Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Stock Market

What happens when it is the end of the school year and your entire class of 1st and 2nd graders becomes obsessed with learning about the stock market? And being an elementary school teacher with degrees in Communications, Elementary Ed and English, you you know virtually nothing about the stock market?!
Why, it becomes a perfect opportunity for project based learning!
The students completed a webquest in which their rich Uncle Herbert gave them $10,000 to invest. 
They had to choose stocks and follow them for a week. They charted their results in pvlearners using a shared Google Doc spreadsheet and then students worked in small groups creating stock market projects.
This group created an online Jeopardy game about the stock market.
These students wrote a book, complete with illustrations to teach their classmates about the stock market.
Some students created a Keynote presentation which was shared with the class. 
One small group put together a giant stock market board game, which many students in the class enjoyed playing. They created a game board, game pieces and wrote out rules. 
Other projects that resulted from the inquiry based learning were podcasts, research papers, iMovies, graphs made of Legos and a stock market card game. I think it is safe to say everyone, including me, learned something through this project. 

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