Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What Is All This New Technology in the Classroom?

You may have heard from your children that we have recently acquired a class set of iPads, or you may have heard rumblings that self-contained suddenly has some new technology. Where did it come from? Who paid for it? Who gets to use it?
Earlier this year, the self-contained team created a technology proposal. Mrs. Woodard (3rd grade s-c) spearheaded a phenomenal written proposal which outlined exactly what the team felt would benefit the s-c students most. I created a movie, demonstrating the rapidly changing world of elementary school and the unique needs of highly gifted learners. We are incredibly lucky that our proposal was accepted and we have been granted MacBook Pros, iPads, iPod touches and iMacs.  As you can imagine, this is an incredible opportunity and a huge undertaking. We are absolutely thrilled! I actually feel like we are technology pioneers and am looking forward to designing a curriculum around this amazing new equipment.
Many of you have recently asked how you can help with resources since the 2010 tax year is coming to a close.  If you are looking to assist us with technology needs we would appreciate any monetary donations to the classroom or to the PVUSD Self-Contained Gifted Program. If you are making a donation specifically to the classroom, there is a Request for Acceptance of Donation and Gifts form in the front office.  You can also donate at the Gifted Ed Website and you may specify Sonoran Sky in your donation.     
Watch the movie below and you may see some very familiar faces...


  1. Thank you for sharing this great news, Ms. Mensing! And thank you so much for devoting your personal time to pursue this opportunity...it is obvious you and Ms. Woodard put a lot into it! I can't tell you how much we parents appreciate your devotion to your students (our babies) and their development.
    I wish I were a 1st grader again!!!!
    --Michelle Clarke (Alexander's mom)

  2. Thank you! It was lots of work but the end result was WELL WORTH it! :)
