Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy 99th Birthday Arizona!

Tomorrow we will kick off our week with lots of Arizona themed festivities!
We will be checking on the weather and climate conditions all over the state, tasting and writing about citrus, learning about the cotton industry, while writing the word "cotton" using cotton balls, dissolving copper oxide from pennies and creating penny necklaces and reading about the difference between cattle and cows. 
The spelling list will be Arizona themed and we will also be solving some challenging math word problems involving The 5 Cs. Speaking of "The 5 Cs", I have been going crazy trying to figure out if the plural of C should include an apostrophe or not. My initial instinct said no apostrophe since the C is not showing possession nor is it a contraction. However, "Cs" looks strange and "C's" looks a bit more polished. All over the internet I keep finding it written as "The 5 C's" including on the Arizona Department of the State's webpage. I have been so frustrated trying to figure out which way is correct I emailed Ken Bennett's office asking why they include the apostrophe on their website and explaining why I think otherwise. From what I can tell, no apostrophe is needed because the C is plural and the only time to use an apostrophe with a capital letter is when the meaning would be unclear otherwise. For example if we were talking about As on a report card, depending on where the word As is used in the sentence, it could look like the word "as." If that is the case, the apostrophe should be used. But if it is clear, "The student earned two As and four Bs." then no apostrophe is needed. If I am missing something and there SHOULD be an apostrophe in "The 5 Cs", I would love to know! Shockingly, I have not heard back from the Secretary of State. ;) 

Anyway, I digress...

Have a fabulous week and check back to see photos of some of the exciting activities we will be doing!

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